As I researched the Georgia historical newspapers last week, I found several news articles related to my great-grandparents, Elijah Jeffers Holland and Cornelia Jane “Janie” Dove. Since several of my Holland kinfolk follow my blog, at least I think they do, I thought I would share what I found so they can have a look. I always find it interesting to see how my ancestors were involved in their communities. The news items also help track their movements during their lifetime. They also show why it is important to search on name variations, since as you can see in several articles, Elijah was “Lige” and Janie was “Janey.”
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, May 27, 1893 – Deep Springs
The Sunday school here sent the following delegates to the convention: Professors James M. Robinson, Geo. Warmack, J. A. Brackett, and Lige Holland, Misses Julia Warmack, Lovado Brackett, Effie Bryant and Janey Dove. They report the convention a success.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, February 24, 1894 – Deep Springs
—Misses Janie Dove and Gussie Hartley were the guests of Miss Eva Cline yesterday.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, March 31, 1894 – Deep Springs
—Lige Holland and Miss Janie Dove were united in matrimony one day last week, Rev. Lynn officiating. We wish them much joy throughout their future life.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, May 16, 1896 – Little Local News
Lige Holland, Bowersville, Ga., is among the new subscribers to “The Argus” this week.
B. Bowers was most likely Boone Bowers, Elijah’s brother-in-law, married to Sallie Dove.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, October 31, 1896 – Deep Spring Chat
B. Bowers and Lige Holland, who went from here to Hart county last autumn, will return to this place the first of November. Their friends here welcome them back.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, October 8, 1904
Tilton is a city in Whitfield County.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, May 23, 1907
Mr. Elijah Holland, of Tilton, was in the city, Wednesday.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, February 4, 1909 – River Bend, Georgia
Messers. Elijah Holland and Andrew Summey went to Dalton one day last week on business.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, February 18, 1909 – Interesting News Notes from River Bend, Georgia
Rev. J. M. Cash, of Dalton, visited Mr. Elijah Holland and family Friday.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, February 25, 1909 – River Bend, Georgia
Mr. Elijah Holland went to Dalton Monday.
Although the article says Elijah Holland is Erskin’s uncle, I am unable to make a connection.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, March 11, 1909 – Local News from River Bend, Georgia
Mr. Erskin Whitmire, of Murray, visited his uncle, Mr. Elijah Holland Sunday.
Sanford Jefferson Whitmire was a local farmer. Erskine was his son.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, March 17, 1909 – River Bend, Georgia
Mr. Elijah Holland and family spent Sunday in Murray, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Whitmire.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, March 18, 1909
Messrs. Elijah Holland and Bud McGinnis went to Dalton Tuesday on business.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, May 13, 1909 – Antioch
Mr. Lige Holland took dinner with J. M. Bailey one day last week.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, September 2, 1909 – River Bend Georgia
Mrs. Elijah Holland and daughter spent Saturday with Mrs. Luther Roberts.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, September 9, 1909 – River Bend Notes
Mr. Elijah Holland spent several days last week in Rome.
The Dalton Argus, Dalton, Georgia, September 30, 1909 – River Bend News
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Holland spent Saturday with Mr. S. J. Whitmire and family in Murray.
Norton is a populated place in Whitfield County.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, February 10, 1910
George Bryant and family visited Elijah Holland and family Sunday.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, March 10, 1910 – Antioch
Those who attended the log rolling last Friday and candy breaking Friday night at Mr. S. J. Whitmire’s were Messrs. Bob Beach, Charlie Evans, Ben and Joe Moore, George Callahan, Grant Edwards, Bob Palmer, Boyd Burnett, John, Charlie, Erskin, Yance, Lee and Clebern Whitmire, Fred Keys, J. W. Gentry, B. M. Slate, J. M. Bailey and Paul Bailey; Misses Minnie, Maude, Beckie and Callie Gentry, Belle Moore, Parlee Holland, Liza and Lula Whitmire, Ola Bailey; Mrs. Belle Slate, Mrs. Lige Holland, Mrs. Iva Moore, Katie Whitmire and Annie Bailey.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, December 8, 1910 – Dalton R.F.D. No. 7
Mr. Elijah Holland is building a new barn on his place he has purchased in our burg and expects to move soon.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, January 19, 1911 – Dalton Route 7
Mr. W. A. Manis called on Mr. Elijah Holland Sunday.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, March 2, 1911 – Dalton Route 7
Mr. Elijah Holland’s family have the measles. We hope they will soon be out again.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, April 18, 1912 – Pine Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richardson and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Holland.
\North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, July 4, 1912 – Dalton Route 7
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Holland and family spent last Sunday in Murray county.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, December 5, 1912 – Dalton Route 7
Mrs. Elijah Holland, who has been sick for the past week, is slowly improving.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, March 13, 1913 – Dalton R.F.D. No. 7
Mr. Elijah Holland is building a new addition to his house.
Will Done, actually “Dove,” is John William “Will” Dove.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, August 14, 1913 – Dalton Route 7
Mr. Will Done, of Hart county, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Elijah Holland.
North Georgia Citizen, Dalton, Georgia, December 10, 1914 – Broad Acre
Mr. Lige Holland is moving to Broad-acre.