This post is part of an ongoing project to record names of enslaved people of Greene County, Georgia I find in historical records.
Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, February 23, 1856
Guardian Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, will be sold before the Court House door in Greenesboro, on the first Tuesday in March next, one Negro man named Hall, 37 years old, the property of James R. Rankin.
Jan. 10-2-td 43—6t
Note: In 1852, James Rankin sold a man named Hall, a 36-year-old shoemaker. I wonder if this was the same man.
Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, March 22, 1856
TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, on the 27th of February last, a negro man by the name of Augustus. He is of medium size, about 30 years old, and very black, and weighs between 140 and 150 pounds. The above reward will be paid for his safe confinement in Jail.
Greenesboro, March 12, 1856 10
- Guardian Sale, Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, February 23, 1856.
- Twenty Dollars Reward, Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, March 22, 1856.