Wednesday, June 5, 2024

James Leggett emancipates six slaves

This post is part of an ongoing project to record names of enslaved people of Greene County, Georgia I find in historical records. 

Georgia. To all whom these presents shall come know ye that I, James Leggett, of Greene County, State of Georgia, do believe that all men by nature are equally free and have a right to liberty and for this and diverse causes and considerations and the said James Leggett, do manumit [release from slavery] and set free my negro slaves, namely Bob, Peg, Sam, Clarke, Luke, and Isabell, whom I have had in my hands and possession and I, the said James Legget, do emancipate and set free the above named negro slaves in the following manner Viz: Peg, who is of the age of 24 years, I emancipate and set free on the present day and date hereof, and Bob, who was born July 1765, I emancipate and set free on the first day of January 1798, and Sam, who was born June 26th 1786, I emancipate and set free at the age of twenty-five years, and Clarke, who was born the 20th August 1788, I emancipate and set free at the age of twenty-one years, and Luke, who was born 29th October 1792, I emancipate and set free at the age of 25 years, and Isabell, who was born February 1795, I emancipate and set free at the age of 21 years, to have and to hold and enjoy their liberty as free people from the day and time above mentioned. And I, the said James Leggett, do discharge the said negro slaves from all services to me and my heirs and assigns that they and their offspring may peaceably enjoy their free liberty against me and my heirs and Eccr. [?] forever. In witness hereof, I have set my hand and affixed my seal this 18th day of August 1796.

Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of Joshua Moore, Benjamin Boyce, Walker Lewis.

James Leggett, Seal

State of Georgia, Greene County, January the eleventh 1797. This day personally appeared before me, Joshua Moore, and being duly sworn saith on oath that he was present and saw James Leggett sign and seal his act and deed and deliver the foregoing emancipation to and for the use and purpose therein mentioned and that one deponent together with Benjamin Boyce and Walker Lewis sign their names as witnesses thereunto. Sworn to before me this day and year above written.

John Smith, J.P.
Joshua Moore

Recorded the 9th day of September 1799.
Thomas Carleton, Clerk

Note: Words in brackets added by me for clarification.


Greene County, Georgia, United States Deed 1799 (Deeds 1799–1804, 1803–1808), image 49;  

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