Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Robert Hobbs grants Isaac to son Nathan

This post is part of an ongoing project to record names of enslaved people of Greene County, Georgia I find in historical records. 

To all persons to whom these presents shall come, I, Robert Hobbs, do send greetings – know ye that I, the said Robert Hobbs of the state of Georgia in the county of Greene, planter for and in consideration of the love, goodwill, and affection which I have and do bear towards my loving son Nathan Hobbs of the same state and county aforesaid have given and granted unto the said Nathan Hobbs, his heirs, executors, and administrators a certain negro boy named Isaac to be delivered to him at my death of which these presents I have delivered him the said Nathan Hobbs an indenture signed with my own hand and bearing even date to have and to hold the said negro to him the said Nathan Hobbs his heirs executors or administrators from hence forth forever as his and their proper use and behoof forever absolutely without any manner of condition . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five.

Robert Hobbs (his mark)

Signed and sealed in presence of Henry English, P., William Greer, P.

Recorded this 9th December 1805.
Thomas Cunningham for Thomas Carleton, Clk.

Note: Isaac has been highlighted once before. You can view that here; this is the actual court record mentioned.


Greene County, Georgia Deeds, 1799–1804, 1803–1808, image 526;

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