The 52 Ancestors theme this week is “music.”
Elijah Frank Marston, son of James Franklin Marston and Catharine Rhoda Winburn, was born in Georgia (probably Conyers) on February 1, 1861. He was the 4th child of 10—Elizabeth Frances Marston, James D. Marston, Catharine V. Marston, Elijah Frank Marston, John Henry Marston, Thomas Stewart Marston, Horatio Seymour Marston, Carrie A. Marston, Winnie Marston, and Dan Dean Marston. He went by Frank and is the great grand uncle of my brother-in-law Randy Marston.
Frank devoted his life to music—he lived and breathed it. Once obtaining adulthood, his musical career is well documented—it’s how he earned a living and spent his free time. As you’ll see if you read this entire blog post, Frank was very much a part of the city of Atlanta’s history.
On September 23, 1870, Frank, enumerated as Elijah F, and his family lived in Conyers, Georgia. His father was a carpenter with real estate and a personal estate valued at $1000 each. Frank’s sisters Elizabeth and Catherine were both attending school and his brother James was performing farm work. At eight years of age, no mention was made of Frank attending school.
On June 18, 1880, Frank and his family lived in Conyers, Georgia. In this census, he was enumerated as Frank E. He was a stone mason, the oldest child at home now. Brothers John, Thomas, and Seymour were all farm laborers. His father was still a carpenter. Frank’s sister had gotten married and she and her husband William Wallis were living in the home with the Marston family. William was a farm laborer. Frank’s brother James D and his wife Dora and daughter Edna lived next door. By 1881, Frank had moved to 162 E. Simpson Street in Atlanta and worked as a carpenter. In 1883, Frank and his brother John played with the recently formed Atlanta Musical Union band, which had been formed the summer of 1882. As a new band, they needed uniforms so that summer they performed a series of lawn concerts across the city to get exposure to the citizens of Atlanta and to raise money for the uniforms. One such concert was held at the home of Major W. B. Cox on June 22. By October, the band had raised enough money to purchase new uniforms, just in time for a big event—the American Musical Union band was scheduled to march in the fall parade of the Governor’s Horse Guards and would perform at the laying of the corner stone of the new Gate City Guard armory.
The Atlanta Constitution reported on the parade preparation on October 6, 1883:
Music and Military: The Musical Union Band and the Coming Parade of the Horse Guard.
Last night the Musical Union band held a meeting in the hall over the store of Davenport, Johnson & Co., on Alabama street. The object of the meeting was to rehearse and drill for the parade of the Governor’s Horse Guard next Thursday. The new uniforms were on hand and the members of the band wore them for the first time. The uniforms are quite handsome and consist of dark blue coats elaborately trimmed in gilt, light pantaloons with red stripes, white helmets with red plumes and white emanel [sic] leather belts with music pouches. On the hat is a plate bearing the initials, “A.M.U.” The band made a handsome appearance.
President Ed L. Voorhis, of the Musical Union, and also first lieutenant of the Governor’s Horse Guard, was present with other members of the band, and drilled the band in such evolutions as will be needed in marching. The members are apt scholars and were not slow to learn the movements. Lieutenant Voorhis will continue to drill them from time to time. At the conclusion of the drill the band played several selections in a manner which showed a very decided improvement of late. At ten o’clock the band by invitation proceeded to the arcade of the Markham house and played several pieces. Later they favored “The Constitution” with a serenade. The band is made up of the following gentlemen: Mr. Julius Krag, band leader, Mr. C. A. Lilly, leader of the orchestra, Mr. Charles Abbott, Mr. William Villaker, Mr. Samuel Albright, Mr. C. C. Manning, Mr. Thomas Carlton, Mr. John H. Marston, Mr. Thomas Bell, Mr. E. F. Marston, Mr. James B. Marston, Mr. J. C. Cauole, Mr. D. C. Goza, Mr. E. C. Monaghan.
The band is now in fine condition and will make a hit Thursday at which time they have consented to parade with the Horse guard and take part in the laying of the corner stone of the Gate City Guard armory.
On Thursday next the fall parade of the Horse Guard will take place. The laying of the corner stone of the Gate City Guard armory will take place on the same day and the two companies and the Masons and Knights Templar will be out. The Union band will furnish the music for the occasion. The display will be well worth seeing.
The band is now on a firm foundation after a great deal of hard work for which the members and the directors deserve much credit. A few uniforms are lacking but they will be supplied speedily. Last night Mr. W. J. Bleidorn sent Lieutenant Voorhis a check for thirty dollars, which is the price of one uniform. Mr. C. M. Cady, who has done faithful and effective work in aiding and furthering the interest of the band, deserves much praise for what he has done. President Voorhis is pushing everything and with Mr. Cady will no doubt make the union a grand success.
In 1886, Frank was instructing the Tennille Cornet Band. In April, “they were thinking of going to Augusta next month to play on fireman’s parade day” according to
The Atlanta Constitution on April 25. The brass band had been organized earlier that year.
Frank married Carrie Cox Armstrong, daughter of William Hugh Armstrong and Carrie Cox in Georgia in 1887. Carrie was previously married to Joel B. Joyner, who passed away on September 29, 1880. She had four children with Joel—Callie Joyner, Hattie M. Joyner, Annie Joyner, and William Hugh Joyner.
A music teacher, in 1888, Frank lived at 34 North Calhoun Street in Atlanta. The 1889 Atlanta City Directory listed Frank as a traveling salesman for the Freyer & Bradley Company and leader of the Atlanta Rifles Band. He lived at 40 Pratt Street. In April or May of 1889, the Atlanta Zouave band was organized under the leadership of Frank. According to
The Atlanta Constitution, the “… Zouave band consists of twelve members, and all are thoroughly familiar with their different instruments …” In September, the band performed at the Zouaves Fair held at their Marietta Street armory.
The Atlanta Constitution reported that the “… Zouave band, directed by Professor Marston, began to play dance music in a way that induced the old to forget their ailments and join in the gay whirl.” The band played on a raised platform in a room that was lavishly decorated for the occasion. In the same
Constitution article, they reported “Flags and bunting had been used with so lavish a hand that not a foot of unsightly wall remained. Even the chandeliers were decorated with small American flags, and the stall of the small pony, which is to be raffled for, was the fanciest stall that a horse ever occupied.” I bet it was a sight to see! In October 1889, Frank’s 14-piece Zouave Band performed at the Piedmont Exposition, an exhibition of the “… agricultural, mineral and manufacturing interests of the great Piedmont region …” according to
The Southern Dental Journal published in 1889.
The 1890 Atlanta City Directory listed Frank as the leader of the Zouave Band, renting a home at 40 Pratt Street in Atlanta. In July 1890, Frank took his Zouave Band to Asheville, North Carolina to perform for the 4th of July celebration of Richmond Pearson, who according to
Wikipedia at the time was a former “American diplomat and member of the U.S. House of Representatives from North Carolina”. The
Asheville Weekly Citizen noted that the Zouave Band “contains 18 pieces, and took the premium at the Piedmont Exposition held in Atlanta in 1889.”
Frank didn’t just play and direct the music—he composed as well. On July 27, 1890,
The Atlanta Constitution reported:
Clio, The Constitution's Elephant,
The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia,
August 15, 1890 |
A Delightful Programme.—Professor Marston has prepared a most delightful programme, to be rendered by the Zouave band at Grant park this afternoon.
Elephant and Lion Grand March.—Professor Marston, leader of the Zouave band, which will play at Grant park this afternoon, is composing a grand march to be rendered by his band on the day the elephant and lion make their advent into the park.
The Zoo Atlanta web page reveals that they did in fact get their first elephant, named Clio, in 1890. The event was celebrated at a midsummer festival in downtown Atlanta with a parade, including Clio the elephant, marching through the street of Atlanta to Grant Park. It was described as the “greatest parade ever seen in the south.” The Atlanta Zouave band acted “as a guard of honor to the elephant.” The August 13, 1890
Atlanta Constitution article wrote … “The famous Zouave band will lead the procession. Then will come the elephant, immediately followed by the Zouaves, whose picturesque uniform, harmonize with the oriental scenes suggested by the presence of an elephant. This combination will make a brilliant opening for the panorama.”
In August 1890, the Freyer & Bradley Music Company gifted Frank a gold and silver inlaid cornet as a “tribute to his musical skill and talent.” The cornet was valued at $160 and was described “as handsome a cornet as was ever seen in Georgia.” The Freyer & Bradley Music Company was “… one of the largest music concerns in the Southern States” according to the book “Musical Courier: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Music and the Music Trades, Volumes 30-31.”
The Atlanta Constitution article published on August 3, 1890 reported that “… Mr. Marston is connected with the popular firm Freyer & Bradley and has, by his diligence and many rare qualifications, completely won the confidence and sincere esteem of these clever gentlemen …” so I assume this is where Frank worked at the time. (Atlanta City Directories will later show us that Frank did in fact work there.)
The Constitution also reported that the Zouave Band was “soon to become the Fourth Battalion band.”
The Zouave Band played at the 3rd Annual Piedmont Exposition held in Atlanta in October 1890. The exposition included military drills, a wild west show, a flower show, dignitaries, and of course music. In an
Atlanta Constitution article published on October 24, the Zouave Band was described as “A Superb Band”:
The directors of the exposition are to be congratulated on having secured such an excellent band to furnish music for the position. Captain Marston, leader of the Zouave band, has a company of natural born musicians with him at present, and under his splendid guidance they have become one of the best bands in the south. All of their music is well selected, and rendered in a most perfect manner. Every member of the band is a soloist.
In another article published by the
Constitution on October 31, 1890, the band was described as “some of the most talented musicians in the south. Their music is universally pronounced to be the best ever before furnished at Piedmont exposition.”
On November 12, 1890, the Zouave band attended the Rome Fair in Rome, Georgia where they were one of four bands entered into a musical contest.
The Atlanta Constitution doesn’t say who won the contest, but it does say “… the Marston Zouave band won the plaudit of all.” I had to google the word “plaudit” so for those of you reading this who doesn’t know what it means either, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary it’s a “an act or round of applause” or an “enthusiastic approval.” The Zouave band ended the year by performing at the laying of the cornerstone of Grady Hospital on December 23, 1890.
In June 1891, four military units—the Gate City Guard, Atlanta Rifles, Atlanta Zouaves, and the Grady Cadets—were making plans for an encampment for drills and practice at Chickamauga in July.
The Atlanta Constitution reported on June 24 that “It is very probable that the Zouave band will be retained.” The camp organizers did in fact arrange for the Zouave band to attend the encampment, however, there must have been a miscommunication on the dates the band would attend. On July 2,
The Atlanta Constitution reported about dissatisfaction with the band leaving before encampment ended:
… “Speaking of the band brings up the situation of the camp as to music. As already stated, the Zouave band left for Atlanta at the conclusion of Colonel Wiley’s command, leaving the camp without any music but the bugle and drum. Why the band left is not precisely understood, but there is one thing certain: Colonel Jones is being very severely criticized in a quiet way among the troops in the camp, as well as by visitors, for failing to provide a band of some description. The boys say they were perfectly willing to pay for a band, and feel much humiliated that they are without one. As the captain of one of the companies expresses it, the absence of music knocks all the poetry out of camp life, and it certainly does. Bright uniforms and gallant faces do not show up half so well, moving to “Hayfoot, Strawfoot,” as to the inspiring strains of “Dixie,” or something of that sort. The tameness of dress parade, guard mount, and so forth, without a band, is like champagne without the phiz.”
The Captains Act. This morning the captains of several of the companies got together and took the matter in their own hands. They feel very keenly the situation, and at any cost determined to get a band for the review by the governor tomorrow. They feel that it would be next to disgrace for the regiment to offer itself in review without a band, and this evening a delegation went down to Rome to see if a band could not be gotten there for this occasion at least. While Colonel Jones is criticised, the Zouave band, which has been here all along, also comes in for a round of censure. Colonel Jones’s explanation is that the band did not want to make terms with him at all, that he even offered to give $50 more per week than Colonel Mercer or Colonel Wiley had paid; but Professor Marston wouldn’t stay. When this unreasonable disposition on the part of the band became manifest, it is said that Colonel Jones got his whiskers up and broke off all negotiations by cussing out the entire musical aggregation.
The colonel feels offended that the band question should have gotten into the papers, because he thinks it will create a bad impression of his regiment, but the situation has amounted to a camp sensation, especially since the colonel has been so openly criticized by the troops today for neglecting to have this matter settled long ago. Before leaving Professor Marston told me that his reason for so doing was because he and Colonel Jones could not reach an agreement, but as Colonel Jones contradicts this with the statement that he offered $300, where the band had only been receiving $250, it remains an open question. Professor Marston says his band will come back during Atlanta week, which makes it appear a little strange that he would not consent to remain. The regiment generally does not think the Zouave band has treated them right and unless Professor Marston can show good reasons for leaving them “in a soup,” his name will be “mud” so far as the Ninth regiment can make it so. Colonel Jones telegraphed for the Fourth artillery band from Ft. McPherson today but it could not be secured.” …
On July 3,
The Atlanta Constitution published a rebuttal by Frank:
Professor Marston Explains.
Editor Constitution—Replying to your article, “The Want of a Band,” as contained in the edition of Thursday, July 2, 1891, would say that neither I nor my band went to Chickamauga to spend the entire time of the encampment, nor were we engaged to do so, but arranged with Colonels Mercer and Wiley for the first and second week of said encampment at least one week previous to the opening of the encampment, which was filled to their utmost satisfaction.
Colonel Jones endeavored to obtain the services of myself and band too late, as I had secured other engagements in Atlanta during the time of his command.
I trust you will allow me space in your columns, and as prominently placed, so that the Ninth regiment may appreciate the fact that it was not my wish to leave them “in the soup,” as I had no engagement with them and previous engagements prevented my making any of them. Yours truly,
E. F. Marston
Director Atlanta Zouave Band.
As you can tell from the above paragraphs, Frank and his Zouave Band were in fact very busy. They had to get back to Atlanta for a series of concerts scheduled as reported in
The Atlanta Constitution on July 26, 1891:
Grand Concert. The Zouave band has been delighting the Sunday afternoon pleasure seekers for the past few weeks with a series of grand military band concerts at Ponce de Leon springs. This popular resort is becoming one of great attraction.
The music rendered under the personal direction of Professor E. F. Marston never fails to please the most severe critics and delight the lovers of artistic rendition.
The instrumentalists of the Zouave band are of exceptionally good talent, and have had the advantage of extensive experience.
The following programme will be rendered this afternoon from 4 o’clock to 6 o’clock:
1. March—“Crusader,” Sausa.
2. Grand medley overture—“A Night in New York,” Brooks.
3. “Oh! God in Mercy Hear Our Prayer,” Handel.
4. Euphonium solo—grand fantasie, “Stella,” Hall. Mr. McAfee.
5. “Coronation March.” Meyerbeer.
6. Grand march—“Recollections of the War,” Beyer
7. “Rival Overture,” Pettee.
8. Cornet solo—“The Lost Chord,” Sullivan. Mr. F. C. Bitgood.
9. Overture—“Silver Bells,” Schlepergvell.
10. Waltz—“Sounds from Erin,” Bennett.
11. Overture—“Celestial,” Prendiville.
12. March—“Among the Comrades,” Faust.
Another notable performance by Frank’s Zouave Band was the unveiling of the Henry W. Grady Monument in Atlanta on October 21, 1891. The event was attended by many dignitaries including
Governor David B. Hill (New York),
Governor William J. Northen (Georgia),
Clark Howell (state politician and an editorial executive and owner of
The Atlanta Constitution), Atlanta’s Mayor
William A. Hemphill, judges, and members of the military community. The band played while the crowd gathered and then boarded a train to Belt Junction (between what is now Buckhead and Midtown Atlanta). They continued to play on the train as it headed for the ceremonies of the day.
Frank lived at 99 Piedmont Avenue in Atlanta in 1894. He was working as a musician. In 1896, Frank and Carrie lived at 83 Piedmont Avenue. Frank was working as a traveling salesman at Freyer & Bradley Music Company. At some point after 1896, Frank apparently moved to Anniston, Alabama where he worked as a manager of the E. E. Forbes Music House. He returned to Atlanta in July 1897. His father had moved to Calhoun County, Alabama which would probably explain Frank’s living in Anniston. In 1898, Frank and Carrie still lived at 83 Piedmont Avenue. He had changed employers, now working at John Church Company, as a piano tuner.
On June 1, 1900, Frank and his family lived in a rented home on Ivy Street in Ward 6 of Atlanta. The home was apparently a boarding house with Carrie, his wife, enumerated as head of the household and running the boarding house. Frank worked as a piano tuner. He and Carrie had been married for 13 years. She was also enumerated as the mother of five children, three of which were living. Their 11-year-old daughter Katie was at school. Frank’s stepdaughter Hattie and stepson Hugh lived in the boarding house. Hattie was 26 years old and working as a saleswoman in a millinery store. Hugh was 22 years old and working as a clerk for a railroad company. In addition to the 5 family members, there were 11 boarders also living in the boarding house. Their occupations included salesmen, physician, electricians, an optician, a railroad clerk, and a brewery agent. One person was still in school, probably college. Their ages ran from 19 to 36 years. The house next door was also a boarding house with 12 people living there.
Frank’s father died in Alabama on February 20, 1903, leaving no will. His estate was recorded with the Calhoun County, probate court there, listing Frank as an heir. At the time, Frank was living on Ivy Street in Atlanta and working as a piano tuner for Phillips & Crew Piano Company, a musical instrument retailer established in 1865 by H. T. Phillips and B. B. Crew. He was still living on Ivy Street and worked as a piano tuner in 1904.
As president of the American Federation of Musicians, local 148, Frank published a meeting notice in the local newspaper requesting his band members attend a funeral to perform during the service. An example, published in
The Atlanta Constitution on October 30, 1904 follows:
Meeting Notice. Attention, Musicians, A. F. of M., Local, 148: You are hereby requested to meet at the undertaking establishment of H. M. Patterson to attend the funeral of Mr. John W. E. Hopens at 1:45 p.m. today (Sunday). All members who play military band instruments are requested to be on hand with instruments in citizens’ clothes.
E. F. Marston, President
S. E. Fields, Secretary.
In 1905, Frank still lived at 102 Ivy Street and was now a piano builder at Phillips-Crew Company. In 1906 and 1907, he again worked as a piano turner. My guess is that’s what he was doing in 1905.
The Marston family celebrated the wedding of Frank’s daughter Katie on June 19, 1907.
The Atlanta Constitution reported her wedding on June 20:
Marston-Maynard. The married of Miss Kate Marston and Dr. Herbert Maynard took place yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Professor and Mrs. E. F. Marston, on Ivy street.
The wedding was a very quiet home affair, only a few intimate friends and the immediate relatives of the bride and groom being present. The ceremony was performed by Dr. H. K. Pendleton in the front parlor, which was tastefully decorated with palms and ferns. The bride wore a traveling gown of leather brown voile trimmed with baby Irish lace. The jacket being worn over a blouse waist of cream embroidered mull. The hat was an ecru straw, sailor shape, and was trimmed with brown velvet ribbon and brown wings.
Immediately after the ceremony, Dr. and Mrs. Maynard left for Augusta, where they will make their future home.
The bride is a young woman, possessing the happy combination of rare beauty and charming personality, and is an accomplished vocalist. Dr. Maynard, formerly of Boston, Mass., but who for two years past has made Atlanta his home, is a young druggist of high standing.
Dr. and Mrs. Maynard have a host of friends who are extending to them hearty congratulations and regret that they will not make Atlanta their home.
A year and a half later, Frank and Carrie welcomed a granddaughter whose birth was announced in
The Atlanta Constitution on Christmas Day, 1908:
Mr. and Mrs. E. Herbert Maynard announce the birth of a daughter at their residence, 108 Ivy street. She has been named Sarah Carolyn Maynard, for her grandmothers.
Before baby Sarah could celebrate her first birthday, tragedy stuck when Katie died of typhoid pneumonia on December 1, 1909.
The Atlanta Constitution reported her death the next day:
Mrs. Katie O. Maynard, 21 years old, wife of E. Herbert Maynard, died at a private sanitarium at 12 o’clock last night of typhoid pneumonia. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Marston and lived with her parents at 102 Ivy street. The body will remain at the chapel of H. M. Patterson & Son until funeral arrangements are made.
On April 24, 1910, Frank and Carrie lived at 102 Ivy Street in Atlanta. Carrie was enumerated at Fannie C. Marston. Frank was a traveling salesman, Carrie a building housekeeper. The home was a boarding house, so she was most likely taking care of it. There were 10 boarders living in the home. The 1910 Atlanta City Directory listed them renting the Ivy Street house. Frank was a piano tuner for Phillips & Crew Piano Company. In 1911, Frank worked as a superintendent at the Phillips & Crew Company factory. He and Carrie lived at 470 Capitol Avenue.
Frank was elected district officer of the 10th district of the American Federation of Musicians. In 1911, as “president of the Atlanta Federation, he was instrumental in bringing their 16th Annual Convention to Atlanta for the first time in 13 years. Almost 3,000 delegates were expected to attend, representing 550 organizations. A band of 200 Federation members paraded through the streets of Atlanta the first day of the convention.
The Atlanta Constitution published an article highlighting the event on May 9:
The parade, band and all, moved in columns of eight and made a decidedly attractive and imposing appearance and was watched with interest by a large concourse of people. The line moved up North Pryor street to Peachtree, where it countermarched down Peachtree to the viaduct and along Whitehall to Mitchell, down Mitchell to Broad, along Broad to Marietta, down Marietta to Edgewood avenue and down Edgewood to Courtland and up Courtland to the auditorium.
American Federation Musicians on Parade,
The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia,
May 9, 1911 |
Frank performed at a “benefit recital and musical” held at the First Christian Church. The benefit was organized to raise funds to help an orphan child adopted by the Delta Alpha class.
By 1912, Frank and Carrie had moved to 81 Washington Street. He again worked as a piano tuner. Frank still lived on Washington Street in 1916 but was now teaching at the Southern University of Music. I often found him called “Professor Marston” in news articles—this might explain why. I don’t have education records for Frank but it’s possible he was actually a professor at the Southern University of Music. In 1918, he lived at 86 Washington Street, still teaching at the university. In 1919, he lived at 86 Washington Street and was back to working as a piano tuner at Phillips & Crew Piano Company.
On January 13, 1920, Frank and Carrie lived at 86 Washington Street in Atlanta. Frank was a traveling salesman for a music house. The home was a boarding house with Carrie enumerated as the proprietress with 10 boarders living in the home. Frank and Carrie still lived at the boarding house in 1921 with Frank working as a piano tuner. A year later, Carrie died in Atlanta on March 23, 1922 of “cancer of the womb.” She’d been sick for several years at the time of her death. Carrie was buried at Westview Cemetery on March 25. They lived at 86 Washington Street at the time and Frank worked as a piano tuner at Phillips & Crew Piano Company. In 1923, Frank lived at 72 Richardson Street and still worked as a piano tuner at the Phillips & Crew Piano Company. Frank lived at 73 Richardson Street in 1924 and 1926 and worked as a piano tuner. In 1928 and 1929, Frank lived at 348 Richardson Street SW and worked as a piano tuner.
Frank’s sister Elizabeth died in 1931. She was buried at Old Conyers Cemetery in Conyers, Georgia.
Frank died of prostate cancer at the age of 70 at Grady Hospital in Atlanta on February 20, 1932. His funeral was held at the White & Company Funeral Home Chapel in Conyers with the Rev. T. H. Maxwell officiating. He was buried on February 23 at Conyers Cemetery in Conyers, Georgia.
Eight years after Frank’s death, he was remembered in
The Atlanta Constitution on September 7, 1940, when they highlighted a September 7, 1890 news piece about Frank and the Zouave Band.
Frank Marston's death certificate |
Researching Frank has been interesting and as usual, I learned new things about the city I grew up in. Also, this was the first time I’d heard of a Zouave Band so of course I had to google it to see what it was. As far as I can tell, the Atlanta Zouave Band stemmed from the 116th Army Band whose mission is “Provide music throughout the spectrum of military operations to instill in our forces the will to fight and win, foster the support of our citizens, and promote our national interests at home and abroad.” The lineage page of the 116th Army Band’s web page states:
Parent unit organized 24 July 1874 as the Atlanta Battalion, Georgia Volunteers, to comprise the Gate City Guard, Atlanta Zouaves, Atlanta Rifles, Fulton Blues and the Governors Guards
I’m trying to figure out if the Atlanta Zouave Band was a band of men in the military or a military-like band that played marches. John Philip Sousa was popular during the time Frank and his brother John played with the Zouave Band. In fact, family lore is that John played with Sousa’s band, but I haven’t found any evidence of that. I’m beginning to wonder if as the story was passed down through the years, Zouave evolved into Sousa. If a Marston family member reading this has proof of Frank and/or John playing with Sousa, I’d love to hear from you.
- Atlanta, Georgia, City Directory; 1881, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1911, 1912, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1928, and 1929.
- U.S. Federal Census, Subdivision 163, Newton, Georgia, 1870.
- U.S. Federal Census, Conyers, Rockdale, Georgia, 1880.
- “The New Band,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, June 27, 1882.
- “A Lawn Concert: A Pleasant Affair Last Night at the Elegant Residence of Major W. B. Cox,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 7, June 23, 1883.
- “Music and Military: The Musical Union Band and the Coming Parade of the Horse Guard,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, October 6, 1883.
- “To-Day’s Display: The Military of Atlanta to Turn Out,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 7, October 11, 1883.
- “Georgia Gossip,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, February 20, 1886.
- “Tennille,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, April 25, 1886.
- Holliday, R. A., The Southern Dental Journal, vol. 8, p. 394, 1889.
- “A New Band,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, May 14, 1889.
- “The Zouaves Fair: It Was Opened Under Favorable Auspices,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, September 5, 1889.
- The Asheville Weekly Citizen, Asheville, North Carolina, p. 1, July 3, 1890.
- “From Our Notebook,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, July 27, 1890.
- “Through the City: Items Gathered by Constitution Reporters,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, July 31, 1890.
- “A Beautiful Cornet: Presented to Mr. E. F. Marston by Messrs. Freyer & Bradley,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, August 3, 1890.
- “The Festival is Ready: Atlanta Opens Her Gates,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, August 13, 1890.
- “Atlanta’s Clio in the Gress Zoo: Where She will Ever Live,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, August 15, 1890.
- “This Will Be the Greatest Day of the Exposition: Three Splendid Programmes in One,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, October 24, 1890.
- “Notes on the Grounds,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, October 31, 1890.
- “The Rome Fair,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 3, November 13, 1890.
- “For the Encampment: The Fourth Battalion Making Arrangements for Their Trip to Chickamauga,” The Atlanta Constitution, p. 7, June 24, 1891
- “The Want of a Band Seems to Have Created Dissatisfaction in Camp,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 5, July 2, 1891.
- “Professor Marston Explains,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, July 3, 1891.
- “Grand Concert, At Ponce de Leon Springs This Afternoon, 4 to 6, by Marston’s Fourth Battalion Zouave Band,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, July 26, 1891.
- “The Unveiling of the Grady Monument Will Take Place Today,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 9, October 21, 1891.
- Musical Courier: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Music and the Music Trades, vols. 30–31, Musical Courier Company, 1895.
- “Women and Society,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, July 24, 1897.
- Alabama, Wills and Probate Records, 1753–1999.
- “Meeting Notice, Attention, Musicians, A. F. of M., Local, 148,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, October 30, 1904.
- “Marston-Maynard,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, June 20, 1907.
- Sarah Carolyn Maynard’s birth announcement, The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, December 25, 1908.
- “Mrs. Katie O. Maynard,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, December 2, 1909.
- U.S. Federal Census, Atlanta Ward 6, Fulton, Georgia, 1900, 1910.
- “Musicians of America to Gather in Atlanta,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA, April 11, 1911.
- “Atlanta Gives Glad Welcome to Musicians: Sixteenth Annual Convention Begins with Parade in the Afternoon, The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, May 9, 1911.”
- [Article title unreadable (subject: Delta Alpha Class)], The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, March 24, 1912.
- U.S. Federal Census, Atlanta Ward 2, Fulton, Georgia, 1920.
- “Mrs. E. F. Marston,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, March 24, 1922.
- Marston Funeral Announcement, The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, March 25, 1922.
- “Phillips & Crew Piano Co. Occupied Fine New Quarters in Atlanta, Ga.,” The Music Trade Review, January 5, 1929;
- Mr. E. F. Marston Certificate of Death, George State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, certificate no. 32-3177, February 23, 1932.
- “And Fifty Years Ago,” The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, September 7, 1940.
- Garrett, Franklin M., Atlanta and Environs: A Chronicle of Its People and Events, 1880s-1930s, University of Georgia Press, March 1, 2011.
- Richmond Pearson;
- William J. Northen;
- David B. Hill;
- Clark Howell (1863-1936), New Georgia Encyclopedia;
- William Hemphill;
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary;
- 116th Army Band, Marietta, Georgia—History/Summary;
- 116th Army Band, Marietta, Georgia—History/Lineage;
- Zoo Atlanta, Our Story/History 1889–1950: The Early Days;
- Vanishing Georgia, Georgia Archives, University System of Georgia.