Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mary, Charles, Caesar, and Louisa: servants of Bros. Willet, Randle, and Northen

This post is part of an ongoing project to record names of enslaved people of Greene County, Georgia I find in historical records. 

Colored Church Penfield, Ga. January 8th 1860 

Church met in conference. The committee appointed to labor with Mary, servant of Bro. Willet, reported that they had endeavored to discharge their duty, but Mary gave them no satisfaction, whereupon she was excluded from the church. 

Bro. Charles, servant of Dr. Randle, who had been excluded from the church, was, on confession, restored. 

Caesar, servant of Bro. P. Northen, having been guilty of most aggravated violence to his master, was excluded from the Church. 

On motion it was resolved to take up a collection monthly for church purposes. 

A letter of dismission was granted to Louisa, servant of Bro. J. E. Willet. 

U. W. Wise, Ch. Clerk


Penfield Baptist Church Minutes: 1839 – 1885, Penfield, Greene County, Georgia, image 274.

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