Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Will of Gwyn Allison, leaves money to slaves

This post is part of an ongoing project to record names of enslaved people of Greene County, Georgia I find in historical records. 

Gwyn Allison’s Will
Greene Court of Ordinary, September 1865. Proven in common form and ordered to be recorded.
Eugenius L. King, Ordy.

Recorded in Book G, pages 310 and 311, Sept. 5, 1854. Eugenius L. King, Ordinary

State of Georgia, Greene County. In the name of God, Amen. I, Gwyn Allison of the County of Greene and State of Georgia, being now of sound mind and disposing mind and memory and knowing at the same time the uncertainty of life, do now make the following disposition of my property in manner and form following, viz.

1st. I give to my brother, John Allison, three thousand dollars.

2nd. I give to my brother, Jesse Allison, three thousand dollars.

3rd. I give to my brother, Reuben Allison, three thousand dollars.

4th. I give to my brother William Allison’s son David two thousand dollars.

5th. I give my negro boy Joe one hundred dollars.

6th. I give my negro boy Edmond one hundred dollars.

7th. I give my negro boy William one hundred dollars.

8th. I wish my executors to give the negro women twenty dollars each. The above amount given to my negroes must be paid in silver.

9th. I give all my negroes leave to choose their master and if they chose one that don’t treat them well that they shall have the right to choose another, so as to give them the chance of making something of themselves. The women to choose for their children until they become twelve years of age, and I further direct that they are not to go out of Greene County. I don’t wish them to be sold, I depend upon Executors not to sell one of them.

10th. I give and bequeath to the Inferior Court of Greene County twenty thousand dollars, to be placed in the hands of four men who are to give bond and security, whose duty it shall be to loan out said amount and pay over annually to the Inferior Court the interest to pay for the education of poor children belonging to said County, and that no part of the principal to be used for that purpose.

11th. And all of my property, hogs, cattle and land, and all the money which is left from what I have stated above, I wish to be divided between my three brothers, John, Jesse, and Reuben Allison, equally share and share alike.

13th. I hereby nominate and appoint John Allison and William L. Strain my Executors to carry out this my last will and testament info full effect.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of April 1865.

G. Allison

Signed, sealed, and acknowledged in presence of the undersigned.
J. F. Zimmerman
Isaac R. Hall
James W. Godkin


Greene County, Georgia, Wills 1798–1914, images 75–78, 

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