Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Luke Calloway gives Jim, in trust, to daughter

This post is part of an ongoing project to record names of enslaved people of Greene County, Georgia I find in historical records. 

Calloway to Phelps

Know all men by these presents that I, Luke J. Calloway, of the State of Georgia and Greene County have this day appointed my son William A. Calloway Trustee for my daughter Sabrina Phelps and for and in consideration of the love that I have for my said daughter, I have this day given to William A. Calloway in trust a certain negro man by the name of Jim, for the use and benefit of my daughter during her life and I do give her the right to dispose of him in any way that may suit her, and if she does not dispose of him by will or deed before her death, the negro is to fall back into my estate. 

The words “by will or deed,” interlined before signed. 

Luke J. Calloway

Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of us this 28th December 1863.

A. A. Bell
W. A. Parlee, J.P. 

Recorded this 23rd day of February 1864.
Isaac R. Hall, Clerk


Greene County, Georgia, Deeds 1862–1871, image 94; 

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