Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Isham, Thornton, Jack, and Greene, servants of Mary Ann H. Findley and John H. Broughton

This post is part of an ongoing project to record names of enslaved people of Greene County, Georgia I find in historical records. 

Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, December 10, 1857

Executors’ Sale.

By virtue of the last Will and Testament of John H. Broughton, late of Greene county deceased, will be sold in front of the Court-House door in the city of Greenesboro’, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale, the following named negroes—to-wit: Isham about 46 years of age, a tolerable plantation smith; Thornton, about 45 years old, a good plantation carpenter.

Terms cash.

Greenesboro’, Ga., Nov. 13th, 1857.—48 

The Georgia Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, January 21, 1858

Administrator’s Sale.

Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House in Greenesboro’ between the legal hours of sale, two negroes, viz: Jack about 17 years old and Greene about 18 years old. Sold as the property of Mary Ann H. Findley dec’d, under an order of the Court of ordinary of Greene county. Terms cash.

S. M. FINDLEY, Adm’r.
Greenesboro, Ga, December 7th, 1857. 


  • Executors’ Sale, Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, December 10, 1857.
  • Administrator’s Sale, The Georgia Temperance Crusader, Penfield, Georgia, January 21, 1858.

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